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25/08/2021 06:00 - 26/08/2021 05:00

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” - 1 Timothy 6: 18-19).

One of the most important lesson for a student of accounting is to master the workings of a ledger. A ledger records transaction as either debit or credit in separate column and the ending or closing balancing. A tenant who writes a rent cheque to a landlord would enter a credit for the bank account on which the cheque is drawn, and a debit in a rent expense account. Normally, every business person would be happy to see his credit account grow to cover business expense and eventually realize a profit. If it is the other way round, no credit coming through, the business is bound to collapse.

Writing to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul thanked them for their gifts, happily pointing out, “For even while I was in Thessalonica, you provided for my needs again and again. Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account” (Philippians 4:16-17).

Paul here alludes to a hidden truth that as believers we have heavenly accounts, which at some point will be opened to us. Whereas what will take us to heaven is not because of any worth in us but the finished work of Christ on the cross, still, there is a reward for the deeds of our lives here on earth. “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Mathew 5:12).

When we are generous and give to the work of God two things are expected. God rewards us in multiple ways, such as opening doors, protection from harm or with good health. Yet, even more, generous believers are building up their heavenly accounts with credits. This is why Paul recalled of believers in Thessalonica, that they will find lots of credit deposited on that fat account up in heaven.

Just as any businessman desires to see his credit account increase in value, or else the business closes, so should we seek to see our heavenly account grow. At a certain point in the not far off future, our investment will bear fruit in the “life that is truly life”!

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, today I choose to give generously, happy that my heavenly account is steadily growing and will someday come to full fruition, this I pray in Jesus’s name.

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    “Now God has caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel” (Dan 1:9)

    It can be said with certainty everyone in life would like to be favored- especially from God. Favor brings opportunity and comes with blessings. The Bible has many people who were indeed favored and the blessings on their life is clearly evident.

    We have Joseph who had favor upon him whether working for Potiphar (Gen 39:5); down in jail (Gen 39:21); and finally being elevated as prime minister of great Egypt. When Abraham was 99 the Lord appeared to him and blessed him, “I will establish My covenant between Me and you, And I will multiply you exceedingly” (Gen 17:1- 8). Mary was selected among all women as the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:28-33).
    Perhaps here one may ask, but how does one receive favor from God?

    If we may look at the above and other examples of those who were greatly favored by God, like Noah from the Great flood (Genesis 6:8), or Moses to lead the people of Israel (Exodus 33: 12-17), it was not because there was anything remarkably good in these people. Neither was perfect yet God showed favor upon them. The reason is, “For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion” (Romans 9:15).

    A clear characteristic of those who receive favor is humility. Isaiah 66:2 says, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and those who tremble at my word.” As the preacher Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “God shows favor to those who seek his favor by loving Him, respecting Him, honoring Him, and by taking delight in His word.”
    We can receive favor by asking God. Psalm 119 says, “I entreat your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise” (Psalm 119:58). And God is calling us to have our hearts in tune with Him, for, “the Lord bestows favor and honor, no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless” (Psalm 84:11).

    Today, pray and walk in that assurance of being favored of the Lord Almighty.

    Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, today I come to you in humility to ask of your favor to bless me in all that I do, this I pray in Jesus’ name.
