Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, how we thank you for the month of February we have just closed, for leading us through! As we greet March we are aware of wars gathering around us, raging in distant Europe but also nearby in Ethiopia and Democratic Republic of Congo. Your word says, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed” (Mathew 24:6). Wars wherever they happen tend to bring out the worst in mankind: the shedding of innocent blood and scattering a people once secure in their homes as refugees. We therefore pray for peace to reign, that hearts that are cold may soften and there may be reconciliation where there is hatred. But most important of all, may these war point us all to the prince of peace, the savior of mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ! And Lord we thank you that the economies of the world have finally opened up after the long closure due to Covid 19. Aside from the loss of life through this period there are many lives that were left withered down by the ugly storms of a terrible disease, which is yet to be fully settled. Merciful Lord, we thank you for the protection we saw and now pray that your hand is upon us, especially as individuals and families recover and get back to their feet from this ordeal. Lord we pray for nations of the world, and we here in Uganda bring her to you for her salvation and lasting peace. So often we see things that ache our hearts- the violation of human rights and rampart stealing of the nation’s wealth in high and low places. We are comforted that nothing happens under the sun which you are not aware of and in spite of all, your justice will reign ultimately. We pray that just as you put a hedge around Job and his household, “and everything he has” (Job 1:10) may you watch over our families, all our belongings, and wherever we happen. May our feet in such a time as this bring peace where there is war- for you say, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Mathew 5:9). May you resurrect those plans you put in our hearts to bear fruit- just as you visited Abraham in late years and weary of hope brought cheer to him and said, “Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear a son “ (Genesis 17:19). You are the God of the possible who says, “Let every valley be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; and let the rough ground become plain, and the ragged terrain a broad valley..” (Isaiah 40:4). So, we greet March with hope, our hearts ripe with anticipation, full of joy; for something good is about to happen to the glory of the living God, and this we pray in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ!