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12/03/2020 03:00 - 13/03/2020 02:00

“The eyes of God are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and good” - Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)

After a spike of assassinations in the country the government of Uganda decided to install CCTV cameras all over. These would watch out for citizens especially in recording evil actions along the highways. This is much common in almost every advanced country today where the eyes of these cameras are busy spying every movement 24/7.

For some people this is good- being assured that the government is everywhere watching for their safety. Others find this new development as a kind of big brother spying into their private lives. There are many too who are skeptical since cameras can sometimes malfunction.

Long before these cameras there was a God who sees everything we do here on earth. And while as normally happens those cameras may miss out on one or two incidents, as they can malfunction, God is omnipresent and cannot be taken by surprise. He is constantly watching over us without tiring.

Yes, these new technologies can indeed help fight crime. But they can’t rival anywhere the kind and watchful eyes of God. This is where all our trust should be!

Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, today in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth, I pray to ever rely on you kind and watchful eyes for my peace and safety!
