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22/06/2022 03:00 - 23/06/2022 02:00

"Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world" - Psalm 46:10 (NIV). 

A long time ago life was unhurried. This was long before the arrival of locomotive transport which accelerated movement of peoples across lands. What would have taken a day's journey was now covered in hours. The arrival of air transport halved the time it would take to move across the seas.

Yes, we all live in hurried times ever fueled by new technologies. The mail post which would take days was long ago over taken by instant communication via electronic media. This is the age of "Breaking News" where before victims of a certain fatality are even aware, the matter has already been splashed all over TV and is a point of furious discussion on social media.

In this present age many of us are always on the go trying to catch up. We rise up with alarm clocks and inject ourselves with instant caffeine. On the roads moved by our beautiful fossil powered engines we cant stand anything in the lane that holds our fast progress to the first of many appointments in the day. Time is always scarce.

In the midst of this hurried life of nowadays, it's quite clear that every one of us now and then needs to take a pause, otherwise you loose your bearings. Many people are stretched like a rubber band being pulled only to snap one day!

This is why God is telling us today to pause and hear His voice, which says, " Be still and know that I am God!" Of course one my fail to hear that voice as one rushes here and there in the rat chase one is locked in. But how about if you just stop, pause and step aside to hear that still voice of God. Then we can know where God wants us headed, and save ourselves from a life of reckless speed without any clear and purposeful direction.

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, today may I find to step aside from the furious speed driving life, so as to listen to your still voice, and where you would have me be, this I pray in Jesus's name.
