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11/07/2020 06:00 - 12/07/2020 05:00

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” - Phil 4:13 (NIV)

The first time I became aware of believers, I was held back by the emphasis of so many “don’ts” ! I was made to understand that when one became a believer such was meant to live of a life of - don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t borrow money, don’t have long hair, don’t miss fellowship, don’t dance, don’t listen to secular music etc. Knowing a bit about myself I decided to demure. The too many don’ts had become a stumbling block to my salvation.

The Scriptures are of course clear and there are many areas covered where God is not pleased if we indulge in certain unholy habits or just fail to obey his commands. However, ours is a forgiving God and we must always remember that where we fail him he is in the business of lifting us up for we are but his children. Must we start with a message of don’ts - or concentrate on grace!

And another point. The life of a believer is not a routine of denials but enjoying the blessings of a full life in Christ . There are many blessings that come with knowing Christ worth always sharing as every believer knows. Shouldn’t we focus on received blessings!

As believers let us make a point to share more of those blessings we all know too well than scaring off the weak with a club list of don’ts!

Prayer for today: Lord Father today that through the power of the Holy Spirit you help me live a full life in you!
