"Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!" ( Psalm 126:3)
The Apostle Paul was not only accountable (though called by God as a minister to Gentiles he worked under the authority of Church); he loved to give a good report. After one of his missionary journey where he saw countless miracles, he returned back home for a deserving break. "When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters received us warmly. The next day Paul and the rest of us went to see James, and all the elders were present. Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry" ( Acts 21: 18-19).
This tradition continues in many churches still in the habit of sending out missionaries near and far to proclaim the Gospel. Listening to the stories of those from the field, narrating countless times how God has delivered them, met their needs against odds, and win over new converts for Christ, the faith of many believers is strengthened.
Just as it were, as we start a new year, any of us can share a good report. Everyone who has stretched his faith, trusted in God whole-heartedly, there is certainly a good report to share after some time. And since God is at work in the life of every believer there is always something in the life of any of us to share.
When you share your report to others your faith is strengthened too, not just the listeners. The Baganda have a say, "okulya'mazanya" which is about someone who has a good thing but only shares it economically back to the owner once he starts enjoying results of the gift. For example, if God has let rains pour down your garden, of which you have no role to play, and once you harvest you hesitate to share what God has done in your life, then you are cheating on God!
Start the year by giving back to God by sharing a good report at church or in your small Bible group, and also with non believers, what the Lord has done for you, and the results for you and others will be amazing.
Prayer today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, I start the year by sharing a good report of all that you have done for me, how you have been so good to me, and may your name be glorified, this I pray in Jesus's name.