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07/09/2022 03:00 - 08/09/2022 02:00

"See, I have refined you, though not as silver;  I have tested you in the furnace of affliction" - Isaiah 48:10 (NIV). 

Gold is easily the most valued and precious metal on earth. Throughout centuries it has served as money and a symbol of power. Objects laced with gold like jewelry are considered to be of the highest value.

One of the curious aspect about gold is that before being mined it is just as ordinary as any metal, with hardly any visible attraction. Gold pits are but ugly mounds of mud which those not aware of its value could easily ignore. However, once mined, the gold goes through a process of refining where all the impurities are removed through intense heating. Then we get the pure gold we all idolise.

Every life is in itself gold. However, just as with gold, every life is filled with impurities, for no one has been created prefect except the Lord Jesus. To make use of any life God must remove the impurities in our lives through a process of refining. Adverse circumstances while not cherished are often a process to make us shine as gold. For instance, when someone who was all puffed up with himself and swelling with pride goes through trials, God may be using such to bring him to his knees so that he starts depending absolutely on God.

Which is all to say whenever you are going through a rough patch do not see this as a sign of abandonment from God. For as the Apostle Peter wrote, the "proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:7).

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, sometimes life's trials is one way of bringing us closer to you, and so help me accept accept with grace the process of purification in my life to bring me closer to you, this I pray in Jesus's name!
