“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned” - Mat 4:16 (NIV).
Back in school I recall times when all of a sudden there would be power cuts. This would come with such excitement. For one thing it meant the prep night was done. And then any could engage in some illicit behavior undetected, like slipping out of bounds for a forbidden sip of alcohol, under the cover of darkness.
It is a fact almost everywhere in any part of the world mobsters prefer moving at night to carry through with their mission. The midnight hour is their best time. There are most comfortable to attack homes not during broad day light when it is so easy to spot who and trace the suspect. Darkness is their shield.
So, no wonder, believers in Christ are not welcome in many places. As children of the light they can outshine darkness. Darkness hates light!
Jesus told his followers, “You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden” (Mat 5:14, NLT). Where we see a lot of darkness in our workplace or nation it could well be because the children of light are no more. The people of the world who engage in evil practices prefer darkness for cover. If they then have become comfortable with children of the light, surely something has gone wrong! It might be because believers have lost their light and darkness is now comfortable with them.
Few people like power cuts, except the one with a hideous plot. But light is a good thing. Light lifts up most of everyone except that one with a dark mission. Light makes everyone secure by pointing to a clear way. Let the children of God carry that pleasant light in them without fear wherever they may be.
Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, today I pray that the children of light carry that light that penetrates darkness wherever they go, in Jesus’s name.