“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I wil fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and staff, they comfort me” ( Psalm 23:4)
A valley is one of those contours common to the planet earth. Valleys come normally as a result of some shaking beneath the earth’s plates or, erosion from rains and floods, leaving a depressed area of land which is surrounded by the more elevated ones. In East Africa there is the famous Rift Valley which is a sunken expanse of land stretching along the borders.
Travelers, particular those on foot, know the often frightening experience of going through a valley. One might have been passing through a stretch of land where the passage is smooth and everything pleasant to see. Then suddenly one descends into a valley. If you are not familiar with the path fear can grip you. And why? Surrounded by more raised earth and seeming to go further down, you can be frightened of descending into the abyss. Valleys, unlike plains, may not offer that clear sunlight due to obstruction, are often dark and filled with dangerous traps.
Our lives too can find themselves in a valley. This can be after a comfortable walk through a more pleasant stretch. We then find ourselves in a valley, sometimes forced on us because of factors beyond us, like a pandemic, sweeping us suddenly to the bottom. Because they are unfamiliar and dark, valleys can shake anyone.
Now if we are in a valley we should not be troubled because that is when we raise our eyes to God. Surrounded by unfamiliar horizons let us be inspired by David who declared that he would “fear no evil” in spite of being in the darkest valley “for your are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” ( verse 4).
Today whatever valley you may find yourself know that you will soon rise above and make through. This is because, as David remembered well, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” ( verse 6).
Prayer today: Lord father God of creation, today as I find myself going through the valley of life, I know your goodness is with me, because I am your child, and you shall lift me up, because you refresh my soul, and shall make me lie down in green pastures and lie besides quiet waters, for you love is ever with me!