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28/10/2021 03:00 - 29/10/2021 02:00

John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” - Luke 3:11 (NIV).

Almost every household has a garbage can for dumping waste. You may be interested to know the type of waste dumped by some of the more affluent homes! A lot has been found to be still of value to the less endowed. This is why around garbage dumpster one often finds those who scavenge on this waste looking out for things still of value.

Some households are not so much into dumping waste of items, preferring to accumulate. They keep hoarding items even as they are worn out and no longer of use. A peep into a bedroom one would see a drawer laying out a spread of shoes and clothes as though visiting a clothing warehouse.

And most of us know Airlines do struggle with certain passengers traveling with excess baggage. Surrounded by this baggage of clothing and toys some people feel more secure and acknowledged. They hold on to these items desperately as proof of their sense of worth. The Airlines know how so attached they are and charge them dearly.

Hoarding things can be a way of life, yet in itself a sign of insecurity and lack of trust in the Lord. In contrast to the above, there are certain households where the norm is to examine what is dumped. For example, why dump a toy which can be donated elsewhere to some less privileged children and make them happy! And for those clothing and shoes, if one has outgrown them or not used such for over a year, why not pick out some and donate to those in need. There are also those who feel happier by traveling lightly without being chained to a train of clothing, except the most essential items which they need.

We are all different but Jesus once said, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Mathew 6:26). Jesus is saying we can be misled to think that our life is valued in accumulation of things which we dare not part with, perhaps to attract attention to us. We keep collecting a museum of items that could easily be of use elsewhere.

Perhaps as the year draws to an end you may want to look around and see if yours has become another departmental store boasting of clothing and shoes, items you can’t even recall when last used. Maybe it’s time you blessed someone, trusting the Lord’s word, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, for all things you have blessed me with I thank you; but help me to share what you have blessed me also with the less fortunate, especially things which I am just accumulating for the sake but could be of use to someone else, this I pray in Jesus’s name.
