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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Grafted in Christ!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world” – John 16:33 (NIV). 

There is a well known plant technology where two plants are joined together to grow as one stock, particularly where a weaker plant was finding it hard to take root and flower. It is called grafting. The advantages of grafting is that once enjoined the new plant acquires some of the resilient characteristics of the other stock. Where it could have been easily withered it is grafted on to the hardened features of its new parent stem. In time you may not even notice the difference.

As believers we too have been grafted on to the root stock of Jesus. “But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought to him through the blood of Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 2:13). Like taking on a new citizenship; grafting comes with full blessings of its root parent stock. The Apostle Paul pointed to the Gentile believers who worried that they were going to be assigned as second class citizens. “And this is God’s plan: Both Gentile and Jews who believe the Good News share equally the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise and blessing because they belong to Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 3:6). As believers we have been fully joined with Christ to enjoy all the full blessings of the children of God.

When the grafted plant experiences hard winds it is always held up by its parent root stock. Likewise aside from enjoying those blessing as part of one stem in Christ when we also experience troubles of any kind we are at peace. This is because of our new life in Christ. We are held up firmly and can withstand all tremors to bask in the full sun of His glory because we are firmly rooted in Him.

Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, because I am rooted in Jesus Christ, I pray in his loving grace to enjoy all His full blessings and have peace that He will uphold me to withstand any challenges that come my way, this I pray in Jesus’s name!

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    “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its part were many they form one body” (2 Cor 12:12)

    In the body of Christ every believer has a gift that contributes to making the church whole. There are those who are gifted at intercessory prayers. Others have been called to a pulpit ministry. Then there are those gifted at leading worship and praises. Some others have the gift of care and empathy. The gifts in the church are indeed endless.

    One way to know your gift is being able to reflect on what burdens you most. For example, if you have a great feeling for people who are going through tribulations and need comfort then most probably yours is a gift of empathy and care. There are those with a burden to share the truth and theirs is the gift of teaching the Word.
    When God gives us gift he also enables us. For example, one who has been gifted with praising and worshipping by singing would naturally have a way with his tongue. That one gifted with preaching has the talent to move listeners with words. God gives us gifts to build the body of believers.

    Do you know your gift? If so, how are you using it for the building of the church of Christ?

    Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, today I pray that you enable me use the gifts you have given me for the building of the church,
    this I pray in Jesus’ name.
