Jesus answered, "Have faith in God. The truth is, you can say to this mountain, 'Go, mountain, fall into the sea.' And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you. So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours- Mark 11: 22-24 (NIV).
When Jesus used the metaphor of a mountain standing in the way of someone and ordering it by faith to slide away into a sea, he was speaking to everyday situations common to many. The mountain Jesus referred to could be that gigantic challenge or obstacle that rises before one and over shadows you in every way. It could be a personal financial situation, a work related matter, a family conflict or maybe health crisis. One might seek to advance and yet looking at his means the mountain seems impossible to overcome.
Anyone who has travelled and literally came across a mountain knows you don't just wish them away once in the way. A mountain rises with such dominating stature that when you come across any the obvious instinct is to melt and walk away, too terrified to move ahead.
But Jesus is here is commanding us to have the faith that can move mountains. Note that he adds, "if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you!" Further, he has given us a way to take that mountain to him in prayer- "and if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours."
Faith can be amazing for once you have it faith will energise you that where there seems to be no way, God makes a breakthrough. With faith you should not allow doubts to have the better part of you but look to God.
Today, what mountain is it standing in the way? Have faith just as Jesus is commanding and it will rest away.
Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, for that mountain which is my way I look to you with faith for the power to drive it away, this I pray in Jesus name.