“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”- (John 16:33).
Those who happen to live in temperate climate lands will long have noted how moods tend to differ depending on seasons. With the beginning of fall and through winter there is a tendency for many people there to experience gloom. And why? Fall comes with trees dropping leaves as a cold wind takes over gradually forcing many indoors as winter finally locks on. Once the cold is all over all one can do is bundle up, and bid time.
Indeed, once springs breaks and flowers in their myriad of fresh colors burst out of the soils, the mood suddenly changes. Spring comes with joy. It’s a joy to see all the children who had been held up indoors sprint out to feel life, the soils breathing a new life with plants, the air smelling fresh. Spring rolls on to summer and with the sun above, life is experienced to the full.
When Jesus reminds us to be of “ good cheer” he is not unmindful of the world we live in. He points out that the world we live in is full of “tribulations” but we should still be cheerful, in spite of all. Yes, it is difficult to be cheerful through fall and winter, with ugly winds blasting through with a freezing cold, the ground bare of anything, and everyone held up indoors. But because of faith in Jesus, one remains steadfast, assured that the wintry season, with all its cold will surely pass.
We remain of good cheer because in spite of the harshness of the season, we know it will pass and spring will eventually break out, the sun will burst through the dark clouds. Every life there is certainly experiences harsh seasons every now and then. There are those who let the gloom of the seasons force them down with despondency. But those who believe in Christ Jesus remain of “good cheer” in spite of the season, because they know whatever they may be experiencing, all will pass, and it will be the spring of life back again.
Prayer today: Lord Farther God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, through the seasons of life, high and low, help me to remain of good cheer, because of the faith I have in your son, Lord Jesus Christ!