“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content” (Philippians 4:11).
Greed is commonly associated with having an insatiable appetite for food, a habit which many mothers would forbid. The child who can never be content with his plate fill is frowned upon. Whenever we go out for events many people will look with amazement and despise a person who lets his platter overflow with excess food, especially if done with lack of consideration for others.
But greed is not only limited to gluttony. There are indeed those who have no desire for excess food, but do compensate with an insatiable craving for other desires, like drinking alcohol, sexual pleasures, to accumulating items, of which they will never have enough. As little children there is that spoilt child who grows up washed with toys, but is ever asking for more. In life too, there are many adults, who though sufficiently blessed with all they need, are ever demanding to accumulate more property and extend their largess.
Greed is often a result of a deeper problem where someone feels that by acquiring more he will have some security or be recognized. So often, you come across a person who has already more than excess means, being involved in some scandalous venture, just to acquire more possessions. There are those who would even easily kill those in their way, just to have more possessions.
The Bible cautions as to live a life of contentment, “But godliness with contentment is great gain” (I Timothy 6:6). This is only to our advantage. People who are not content are ever restless, unhappy with themselves, since they pin their happiness on acquisition of more objects. Yet even after acquiring, since theirs is a spiritual problem, they must go out for more, only to find that has not brought them any more happiness. As Ecclesiastes 4:6, says, “Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind.”
Prayer today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, I thank you for all the blessings in my life, and help me be content with all that I have, for then you will bless me even more, and this I pray in the beloved name of Jesus!