“As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amelekites were winning” - Exodus 17:11 (NIV)
Who does not need a prayer partner! Moses had been called into a special ministry and had seen the hand of God in many ways. There was never doubt that God was with him and could easily rely on himself. But that was not his way. Faced against a battle with Amelekites he was now getting up in years and could not physically participate in the battle. He found Joshua to lead the troops. And then he knew something more powerful. He turned to God. He instructed Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands as he prayed for his soldiers. “Aaron and Hur held up his hands on one side one on the other - so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcome the Amelekites... (Exodus 11:12).
This story has many instructive lessons. First, everyone has a role to play and some of us it might not mean being physically involved in the act downstairs but rather upstairs down on our knees.
Secondly, that we may need others to uphold us in prayers too, even as we carry on the task God has called us to. Joshua’s victory depended much on the prayers of Moses who equally relied on Aaron and Hur.
In conclusion whatever God has put on our hearts may we be eager to know our role and find those to lift us in prayer.
Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, help me through the power of the Holy Spirit know my role and find true saints to uphold me ever in prayer.