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24/01/2023 03:00 - 25/01/2023 02:00

"But you are my witnesses, O Israel!” says the LORD. “You are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be" - Isaiah 43:10 (NIV).

It has become quite common these days to run into street preachers. Of course, by publicly sharing the Gospel, and leading lost souls to Christ, we praise God for this endeavor. However, in acknowledging this method we shouldn't lose sight of other equally powerful witness methods.

There was once a certain senior official who was made to lag in a banking queue. When he finally go to the counter the junior officer brought to his attention that his matter had certain gaps that needed attention. The senior official politely went back, sorted through the gaps, and stood back again in the queue.

Somehow as he was about to be served someone who knew his status came by and was shocked at the way he had humbled himself. Puzzled, he got to know what had motivated the official was because as a follower of Christ he felt it was important to set a good example for all.

Wait a minute now, is this common! And wouldn't you think the junior officer upon learning that this senior official was neither rude nor overbearing to him that in itself would be a good witness that might lead a non-believer to Christ!

Oh, of course, the scripture says, "how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?" (Romans 10:14). But also, scriptures remind us, "By their deeds you will know them" (Mathew 7:16).

So, just you should remember, yes, we can witness by calling out for the lost but just at the same time the way we live, our personal conduct, can draw as many to Christ!

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, make me your witness not just in words, but also by deeds, this I pray in Jesus' Name.
