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12/07/2020 03:00 - 13/07/2020 02:00

“I for my part shall trust even in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid” - Psalm 56: 3-4 (NIV)

David was a young man out in the fields tending his father Jesse’s sheep when he was sent out on an errand to deliver food to his bothers down at the battle field. A 6-9 Philistine giant named Goliath had stood up and was mocking the Israelis. Everyone was scared. But David stole one glance and pleaded to King Saul to go and fight Goliath.

Facing the giant who taunts at him that he is a boy David cries out, “I am coming to you in the name of Jehovah” and then delivers a fatal blow using stones from his pouch. The Philistine giant fell down dead. That’s when the rest of the Israel army drew strength and chased out the Philistines (I Sam 12).

Where did David draw his strength? It is clear where others had been afraid David wasn’t ruffled. His secret lay in looking up to the Lord from whom he drew his strength. That spirit of valour based on looking up to the Lord even when faced with giant obstacles was to feature through his life and bring him victory.

What mountain are you facing today? Is it a giant mocking at you like Goliath? Instead of looking at its size and listening in to all the discouraging noise around, just look up to the Lord who will bring victory.

Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, today I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that whatever giant of a problem I may seem to face I look up to you for strength!
