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26/02/2020 All day

“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” - Mathew 13:8 (NIV).

Studies in business do reveal that a common trait for some of the most prosperous communities globally, like Jews and immigrant Indians, is they support own business. In fact, rare would they buy out of the "tribe" without first attempting from within.

Christians have such an extensive network of business: schools, medical practices, restaurants, book stores, law firms, etc. Some of course are prospering but then they are those which have failed to take off because Christians have chosen to trade elsewhere. Of course this could be a failing of the business having a poor marketing strategy or even service but at times we believers have just not supported our own!

If as Christians we support a Christian business I believe we are not only helping a brethren put food on the table but also ultimately money into Gods kingdom. Isn't that being a good steward, better than pouring money down the drain of idolatry? If you know of a Christian business, therefore do not hesitate- go out and support a business run on Christ like principles.


Prayer for the day: Lord Father in heaven, help me support those business founded on Christ like principles to extend your kingdom!
