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20/10/2022 03:00 - 21/10/2022 02:00

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" - Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV). 

Everyday there is someone going to undertake a job interview. Usually any person can find themselves in a situation where they are competing against prime candidates. Compare that to a small school without any record of achievement being lined up against a giant of academics. There are places in the world where if you came from Ivy League university college someone from a less known country university hardly stands a chance.

After God had rejected Saul there happened to be a sort of job interview for the next King (1 Samuel 16). So, as it were, Prophet Samuel approached Jesse, a father of some potential candidates. Jesse's first inclination was to point to his elder sons. And why! They had apparently far vaster experience to meet the bill.

"Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him, “The Lord has not chosen these.”  So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” "There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered. “He is tending the sheep.” Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.” (I Samuel 16:10-11). Once David belatedly showed up, in his herdsboy ragged attire, "Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one" (vv 12).

Here is the deal. You could find yourself faced with a formidable interview of sorts. Ahead of you are giants of renown. Maybe it is a business tender and you are competing against global brands with deep pockets. But then, if God has chosen you, fret not. For just as David did not need much of an interview because he was picked by God, so will it be for you too, as you place all your trust in Him!

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, maker of heaven and earth, faced with an uphill task, ahead of me, I look up to you, placing all my faith in you, to make a way where there is no way, this I pray in Jesus's name!
