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17/07/2020 03:00 - 18/07/2020 02:00

“You will be blessed when you come in and be blessed when you go out” - Deuteronomy 28:6 (NIV)

In ancient Jewish culture there is a belief that as children grow up they should be blessed. It is the obligation of the parent to bless them as they walk in and out of the house.

Blessing others is part of a long Biblical tradition. The prophet Abraham was clearly blessed of God, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you. .(Genesis 12:1). Abraham would in turn bless his son Isaac (Genesis 17:15- 16). Later Isaac now Jacob would bless his children but pass on a special blessing to Judah (Genesis 49:8-12).

Who wouldn’t like to be blessed. And of course why withhold blessings when you to have been blessed. Let us be in the habit of blessing not just our children but the people God brings us in contact.

Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, today I pray that as you have blessed me I too pass on those blessings.

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    “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its part were many they form one body” (2 Cor 12:12)

    In the body of Christ every believer has a gift that contributes to making the church whole. There are those who are gifted at intercessory prayers. Others have been called to a pulpit ministry. Then there are those gifted at leading worship and praises. Some others have the gift of care and empathy. The gifts in the church are indeed endless.

    One way to know your gift is being able to reflect on what burdens you most. For example, if you have a great feeling for people who are going through tribulations and need comfort then most probably yours is a gift of empathy and care. There are those with a burden to share the truth and theirs is the gift of teaching the Word.
    When God gives us gift he also enables us. For example, one who has been gifted with praising and worshipping by singing would naturally have a way with his tongue. That one gifted with preaching has the talent to move listeners with words. God gives us gifts to build the body of believers.

    Do you know your gift? If so, how are you using it for the building of the church of Christ?

    Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, today I pray that you enable me use the gifts you have given me for the building of the church,
    this I pray in Jesus’ name.
