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02/10/2020 03:00 - 03/10/2020 02:00

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” - Hebrew 11:1 (NIV)

Taking steps of faith are evident in the lives of whoever walked with God. When the angel Gabriel appeared to both Mary and Joseph and told them of the conception of a baby Jesus through the Holy Spirit they had to take steps of faith and raise him (Mat 1:18-25, Luke 1-26- 38). Abraham had to take a step of faith when he was told of God, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you a great nation and I will bless you. So Abram went as the Lord told him” (Genesis 12:1-2).

“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). The Apostle Paul went at great length to exhort believers to live by faith by listing all those who walked with God and how they had to exercise faith: Abel, Enoch, Noah etc. “And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel (and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions” (Hebrews 11: 32).

Today you too the Lord might be calling you to take steps of faith in your personal life, studies, career or business, just as was the case before with those who walked with Him. Not everything is clear and the resources are might be stretched. Yet to move to another level you have to take that step of faith.

Prayer for today: Lord Father God of Abraham, today I pray to take that step of faith in the work you are calling me, looking up to you, that you shall make all things possible as promised to they that believe!

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    “That is why for Christ’s sake I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor 12:10)

    We all crave to be blessed in life. But was there a believer who was so blessed beyond any circumstances without experiencing some sort of discomfort, in one way or another! A person may apparently be blessed in every single way yet have one troubling matter that constantly drives him down to his knees.

    The one mightily blessed with riches may have a family situation that leaves him ever on edge. Someone who seems to be at the height of his profession may be living with an ailment that keeps him ever on tentacles. The one blessed with abundant health might from time to time be dealing with financial woes.

    Why do such troubling situations plague even believers? One explanation could be found in the Apostle Paul’s life. Called into ministry and endowed with many gifts, including amazing revelations from above, yet he had a matter that constantly drove him on his knees. “Therefore in order to keep me from being conceited, I was given a thorn in the flesh, a messenger from Satan, to torment me” (2 Cor 12: 7).

    Paul would often cry out to God to free him of this particularly troubling matter. But the Lord came back with, “My grace is sufficient for you. For my power is made perfect in your weakness” (2 Cor 12: 9).

    The comfort of this lesson is that God is completely aware of whatever might be ever troubling us. Moreover, it could be purposely there, that we constantly place our faith in Him, other than relying on our strength and resources, especially as He blesses us in other uplifting ways.

    Prayer for today: Lord Father in heaven, today I pray that whatever matter is constantly troubling me, I know it is for a purpose and you are in total control, to bless me even more, this I pray in Jesus’ name.
